Content Marketing

Social Media for Beginners: How to set up Instagram account and where to go with it?

With 98% of digital consumers being social media users, Instagram is a powerful tool to reach your potential customers. 4 in 10 used SM to research brand or products – According to GlobalWelblidex – making it the second-most important channel of all. Let’s look at how to start an Instagram account to build the audience that will build your brand!

Instagram for beginners – build a connection with your customers quickly

Instagram will be your best friend if you are trying to build brand awareness or create desire. At first glance, the focus on Instagram is around beautiful visuals; pictures and videos but don’t be fooled, and pay attention to the caption too. They both have to go hand in hand and play a pivotal role to show your audience how your product or service will enhance their life or benefit them rather than focus on its features.
Instagram Stories were an instant hit. Today, users are more likely to watch the stories of the accounts they follow than scroll down the feed. Stories open the opportunity to create a profound connection with your potential customers but remember authenticity is essential.

Step-by-step Instagram account set-up

Here is your step-by-step guide on how to set up an Instagram Business Account.

  1. Download the app. If you’ve never used Instagram, you need to download the app first. Instagram was developed for mobiles, so you’d use it on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Create an account. You’ll have to launch the app and create an account. You can do this in one of two ways. The first option is to connect with Facebook or you can complete a profile set up via email.

Option 1: If you have a Facebook account, you can log in with the same information and link the accounts.
By default, you will start with a personal profile, but if you set up a business account, you’ll have to connect your account to a Facebook business page. Only an admin on the account can complete this step. You won’t see the page if you’re just an authorised user.

Option 2: Sign up with your email address or phone number, and then enter a username.

  1. Edit your profile by adding all the relevant information. Make sure you fill in Bio and contact information. Add a link to your webpage and choose your profile picture. Keep the same profile picture across all your Social Media platforms, it’ll be easier for your customers to recognise you and it will help you build brand awareness.
  2. Invite contacts to follow accounts related to your business or potential customers.
  3. Start filling in your gallery.

How to build an audience that builds your brand?

  • Remember you can’t buy love so stay away from any automated services. They don’t pay off in the long run. You want a small audience that loves you rather than a big crowd that barely knows who you are.
  • You will have to produce a lot of content, but it doesn’t mean you’ll have to post daily. Try to post regularly, but not at the cost of the quality. Your customers want to be inspired, educated and entertained, make sure you deliver. Ask yourself is this the best image I can take with the resources I have? Show your followers how your product or service will enhance their life or benefit them rather than focus on its features.
  • Nail down the hashtag game. Use hashtags relevant to your business and the image to let others discover your business. Don’t go for the most significant tags, be creative and use less popular hashtags at the beginning. Yes, they also have a lower search volume, but you have more chance to ran for the smaller tags in the Top Post on Instagram, where your images can be discovered even for months after you’ve posted them, giving you a chance for a broader reach.
  • Get social. Be part of the community. Talk to your followers and always answer all the comments, not just with emoji. Comment on posts which are related to your business, but start meaningful conversations and always look at how you can add value.
  • Get creative and have fun. There is no manual for the success on Instagram. What worked for one account might not work for you. However, the most popular, engaging and successful accounts are never afraid of stretching their creativity and be original.
  • Authenticity wins. It’s hard to pretend, and if you do this, it’ll be short-lived. If you want your customers to trust your business, you need to put trust in them too. Why do you think influencers are winning on Social Media and brands are playing catch up? They are not scared of showing their venerability. The honest and open approach builds trust. Try it, and you won’t regret it.

Learn from the best and be the best you can.

Have a look at how some of my favourite accounts inspire us on Instagram.

Daniel Wellington 

Used Influencer Marketing to create an inspiring and beautiful feed. Note how the images are focused around the lifestyle they want their customers to have rather than the product itself. For Daniel Wellington, it’s about product placement than product focus.


Kayla Itsines

She was able to build a personal brand by creating helpful content and sharing inspirational images of customers fitness journey. The photos might not always be a work of art, but they are still relevant and motivational.


Peter McKinnon

A photographer based in Canada who started with a YouTube channel teaching others everything he knew about photography and videography. On his Instagram, he shared more knowledge and used it to practice his skills and have fun with content creation.

Now, it’s your turn. Sit down and think of one message you’d like to share with your crowd this month on Instagram. What you want them to know you for? Map the idea of images which you can take to communicate this message and start creating.