Case study 23% call volume reduction in the KRUK call center thanks to SentiOne voicebot
- Kruk
- KRUK is the market leader in debt management. The company has been present on the Warsaw stock exchange since 2011. They pioneered a pro-consumer approach to debt collection based around offering monthly rates to debtors based on their individual circumstances.
- Debt collection
- Finance

As a company based around adjusting their services to meet client expectations, KRUK optimise their effectiveness primarily to maintain a high standard of customer service.
The main goal of the chatbot and voicebot project was to support the customer service team and free it to devote more time to dealing with more complicated client requests. Additionally, the solution was meant to shorten the wait and servicing time, which has a direct impact on customer satisfaction. Implementing new technologies in KRUK is a crucial element in the further development of our services.
KRUK needed help primarily in:
- Supporting the call center
- Improving the call center’s efficiency after work hours
- Improving service quality: shortening the wait and servicing times
SentiOne provided a custom voicebot and chatbot which handle client inquiries.

After deployment, the bots handled all incoming requests, verified them, authorised client data, as well as handled all inquiries dealing with debt status and payment deadline confirmation. More complex requests were seamlessly transferred to the customer service team.
Our services
- Chatbot
- Voicebot
- Bot analytics
- CRM integration
- Dialog manager

The SentiOne bots handled all incoming requests since its deployment. They have successfully handled 23% of them without the need to involve the customer service team. This provided KRUK’s call center with the required support. It improved request handling by shortening the total wait and servicing times. As a result, both the chatbot and the voicebot will be expanded to cover even more processes.
Automated requests
Reported bugs or outages
Shortened total servicing time Better service quality Innovation
The main goals for our voicebot were customer service after call center working hours and providing automated service for repetitive requests. The overall objective was to deliver high-quality customer service 24/7. We are very pleased with the implementation carried out by SentiOne, the quality of their technology and the final results achieved by VoiceBot that was tailored to our needs.