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Mentions in time
09/22 – 10/21
Shows the number of mentions a topic has received over time.
Date Mentions
Sep 22, 2024 12401
Sep 23, 2024 16085
Sep 24, 2024 16376
Sep 25, 2024 17412
Sep 26, 2024 18335
Sep 27, 2024 16902
Sep 28, 2024 14930
Sep 29, 2024 13370
Sep 30, 2024 16183
Oct 1, 2024 16277
Oct 2, 2024 16568
Oct 3, 2024 18043
Oct 4, 2024 17655
Oct 5, 2024 14574
Oct 6, 2024 13433
Oct 7, 2024 17334
Oct 8, 2024 23255
Oct 9, 2024 21265
Oct 10, 2024 19169
Oct 11, 2024 15899
Oct 12, 2024 12703
Oct 13, 2024 12271
Oct 14, 2024 15158
Oct 15, 2024 16489
Oct 16, 2024 16152
Oct 17, 2024 16790
Oct 18, 2024 14791
Oct 19, 2024 13117
Oct 20, 2024 12337
Oct 21, 2024 1330
Sentiment share
09/22 – 10/21
Shows all of the mentions divided by sentiment: positive, neutral, negative.
Sentiment Mentions Percent
positive 80833 20.74%
negative 15905 4.08%
neutral 293037 75.18%
total 389775 100%
Sources share
09/22 – 10/21
Shows the ratio between source types for a given project. The source types are as follows: Facebook, Instagram, video, Twitter, blogs, websites, reviews, forums.
Source Mentions Percent
Blogs 2807 0.6%
Forums 12422 2.66%
Websites 73578 15.77%
Instagram 128676 27.58%
Facebook 18424 3.95%
Video 144 0.03%
Reviews 7838 1.68%
Twitter 219031 46.94%
TikTok 3684 0.79%
Brand Health Index
09/22 – 10/21
Very good! The result is 0.84.
Nice job. People online think very well of your brand!
Shows the ratio of positive to negative statements in a given time period.
Top mentions
09/22 – 10/21
Reach summary
09/22 – 10/21
Displays the reach of all results found within a given project, divided by sentiment and sources.
Sentiment Reach
Positive 1103604981
Negative 80787397
Total 7668615055
Source Reach
Webpages 350034877
Social Media 7225930974
Total 7668615055
Source Reach
Blogs 4739323
Forums 1204671
Websites 287510386
Instagram 185064028
Facebook 32038632
Video 447
Reviews 56580497
Twitter 7008827867
TikTok 92649204
Result summary
09/22 – 10/21
An overview of all of the results found for a given project. Aside from showing the total number of mentions, their sentiment, and their source share, it shows how the results have shifted compared to the previous period. Sentiment detection is based on the proprietary algorithm provided by SentiOne.
Sentiment Mentions Change
Positive 80833 +14%
Negative 15905 +11%
Total 466604 +16%
Source Mentions
Blogs 2807
Forums 12422
Websites 73578
Instagram 128676
Facebook 18424
Video 144
Reviews 7838
Twitter 219031
TikTok 3684

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