Inside SentiOne

SentiOne at Meet the blogger in Amsterdam

Last weekend was really busy for some of us, as SentiOne was present at one of the biggest blogger meetings in Europe – Meet The Blogger Amsterdam Conference. The two day event gathered around 250 participants – bloggers, social media specialists, readers and business partners.

The programme was filled with lectures and workshops – participants could have learned how to build and interact with audience, cooperate with brands or use various platforms and tools to widen the reach of their content. The #MTBAMS was also a chance to meet some of the most recognized bloggers around, like A Beautiful Mess owners, that have run the opening session.

SentiOne was one of the event partners. We have supported the conference by delivering our social stream which was showing the online discussion around the event and the pictures shared by participants and organisers.

We have always appreciated bloggers and their impact on the development of the internet community. We also believe SentiOne can be a great support in running your blog. That is why we provide every blogger with an account! If you want to get free access to our tool reach out to us directly.