Inside SentiOne

Multi topic alerts

SentiOne allows you to receive a notification whenever a mention appears in a topic monitored by you. You can set up an alert while creating a new topic or add it later on. But when you monitor multiple topics and some mentions may include keywords from a couple of them, you’ll receive couple of e-mails notifying you about the same exact mention. You can change that by using the multi-topic alerts feature.

Setting up a multi-topic alert is pretty much the same as setting up a single topic alert. You have to go to the “Alerts section” and click on the “Create new alert” button either in the “Daily alert” or the “Critical alert” section. If you want to be notified about every mention in any of your topics, critical alerts are what you are looking for.

You can now decide on all of your alert’s characteristics. You start with choosing the topics it will cover – mark all of the topics you want to include in an alert with a tick.

The next step is to choose the users that are going to receive alerts – you should also mark them with a tick. Your own e-mail address will be ticked by default, but you can of course change that.

You can choose after how many mentions you want to be notified – if you are willing to be informed about every single mentions, just leave the default “1” in the “Mentions threshold” field.

Just as in case of a single topic alert, you can choose the kinds of mentions you want to be notified about. – you can choose if those are to be only positive or negative results and decide whether you want to be informed about posts, articles or mentions of both types. After setting this bit up, you can create an alert by clicking the green button.

The only difference between critical and daily alerts is the third box. When setting up a critical alert, you provide the number of mentions after which you want to be notified, while in daily alert you decide at what time you want to receive an e-mail. You can also decide if you want to get an alert in case when no new mentions appear in your topic.

Multi-topic alerts are a great way to clear up your inbox when still being up to date with what happens on the web in relation to your brands and/or competitors.