Online Trends

Cannes 2017 – film festival or long-drawn catwalk?

The 70th Cannes Film Festival has been going on for half a week now. We’ve been curious, how the internet found it. What types of online activities is this event surrounded by. Would you like to know the internet analysis of Cannes mentions?

What is the internet saying about Cannes?

We’ve set up a new topic in SentiOne online listening platform and named it “Cannes”. What have we included in keywords? Such phrases as: “Cannes”, “Cannes2017”, “Cannesfilm”, “CannesFestival”, “CannesFilmFestival”. The important thing is, we narrowed the search only to original mentions with exact keywords without comments and answers to these posts.

As you may see, some of the phrases we’ve chosen are written together because we recon it’s a common practise especially when it comes to social media (e.g. hashtags). This writing method allowed us to collect almost 20% more mentions than using just “Cannes” keyword.

Since the beginning of the festival (17th May), we’ve noted over 40,000 mentions regarding the festival.

Today, we focus not only on qualitative analysis of these results. The most interesting part is, how and where the internet users discuss the festival. Well, it turns out that the most popular in this context is the word ‘carpet’. The red one, obviously ?

#CARPET #REDCARPET #BEAUTIFUL #FASHION #MODEL #DRESS – as you can see at the word cloud below, these are the words that were used next to official Cannes Film Festival name for the most part.

This proves yet again that today’s world orbits stars in their beautiful gowns and ties. Their creations in movies somehow became more of a background even on supposedly high class festival. The internet users seem to be less interested in film previews and premieres than the events surrounding the contest. A quick glance at domains popularity chart might prove it well enough. For our “Cannes” topic, Instagram is the most popular source of mentions with the flood of photos from the red carpet. Youtube, where you can find trailers and reviews of the movies, stays way behind with the result so low that it’s almost funny.

Most popular domains for the “Cannes” topic. SentiOne results.

Most popular photos tagged #Cannes on the Instagram

Where do people mention Cannes?

We checked the geolocalization on SentiOne map as well. As it happens, most of mentions about Cannes turned up in France, obviously, but there were quite a few around Europe, too:

And all over the world:

The fun fact is, that the gender analysis shows ladies as more interested in the subject. Even though, Social Index 2016 proved that men are usually more engaged in conversations about celebs in general. At least on Polish internet, which reflects in gender analysis for our “Cannes” topic as well. Perhaps the reason is, that haute couture gets appreciated more in English-speaking part of the world. And Polish internet discussed more vigorously the invitation of Lech Walesa to a special show of Men of Iron by Andrzej Wajda on this year’s festival?

Gender analysis of mentions in “Cannes” topic. Left – English, right – Polish

Online listening might become very helpful in targeting campaigns for specific markets. Try SentiOne for free or contact us at, if you got interested and want to perform similar marketing analysis. We’ll surely help you set up your topic!