Brand Reputation

Are you hiring talents? Check how SentiOne can help you!

Whether you work in corporate HR or as an employer who’s hiring new people, you probably want to know what people are saying about your company. You also probably experienced how hard is to hire unique talents (especially in IT) and you are looking for different, unconventional methods of finding new candidates. Maybe you were even looking for some ideas and new tools which could help you. What would you say if we told you that SentiOne can make your life easier?

You think: “How?”
We say:

With online listening. This term is often associated only with PR or marketing activities but that’s not all. Social listening tools can be successfully used by HR or Employer Branding departments as well. You just need to specify what you want to monitor, set some keywords, and voilà! You think it’s hard? Check out our Social Listening 101 guide

You think: “What for?”
We say:

To know what people are saying about you.

By people, we mean mainly your current and potential employees. As you may probably know, the majority of candidates search for opinions about their potential employer on the internet using various channels like social media, forums, or services with opinions about employers. It’s worth to keep up with such information and react properly (if needed).

According to research conducted by HRM Institute, the most reliable opinions about an employer come from his employees. Remember, your employees are your “advocates” (btw, do you know the “social media advocacy” topic?) and you should monitor what they write about you on the web. For example, at SentiOne, we mark all posts showing life at Senti with a hashtag #sentiteam. The hashtag was naturally incorporated to our team members private posts 🙂

Third usage – candidate experience. More and more companies are measuring what candidates are saying about their recruitment process for example by dedicated questionnaires. How about monitoring their spontaneous opinions? Properly set project and alerts will help in catching those mentions.

To build relationship

If you monitor what people write about your brand on a daily basis, you can easily start a dialogue with them. Sometimes, seemingly unrelated discussions can turn into fruitful cooperation. As a bonus, by talking with candidates, you build your employer’s image and such openness will certainly pay off.

To find new talents (social recruiting)

Internet monitoring tool might come in handy while sourcing for new candidates as well.

In this case, you need to set up proper keywords which will lead you to the right people. Then, the only thing you need to do is to start a conversation 🙂 Let’s see how it works while searching for Front-end Developer:

To monitor your recruitment and Employer Branding campaigns

While designing an Employer Branding campaign, we should always set a goal and measure the desired results. Our indicators of effectiveness in the campaign can be recruitment measures, e.g. the number of applications submitted for the offered position, the quality of submitted applications, or employee employment costs, but it is important to simultaneously monitor the tone and reach of the campaign on the internet. It is worth taking a look at who writes about it, what they write, when, and where.

In SentiOne, you can set a project dedicated to your campaign and monitor what people are writing about it. In addition, using the dashboard, you can see the entire summary of the project with information such as the dynamics of mentions, sentiment, gender distribution, sources, etc.

To monitor your competitors

It’s always worth keeping an ear to the ground and know what the competition is up to, especially if we operate in a highly specialized industry. Such knowledge will certainly be useful, for example, while designing next employer branding or recruitment activities. In addition, this way you can spy some good practices and use it with some adjustments 🙂

You think: “What else have you got?”
We say:

Context and answer

This feature makes life easier and saves time. By clicking on a specific mention, you move straight to the page where it was posted. This way, you can get to know the wider context of the discussion, answer the comment or just read an interesting article in which you were mentioned 😉

Daily alerts

You may not always have time to search and browse new mentions every day, which is why SentiOne does it for you. For each project, you can set an alert that will inform you of all new opinions.

Crisis management

Personalized alerts ensure that you won’t miss any potential crisis situation and you will always have everything under control. Additionally, you can answer from the level of our tool.

Of course, SentiOne offers many other useful functions. You can read the list of most useful features of our tool here.

We hope that we convinced you that it is worth monitoring the web for HR purposes as well. Quick tip – when choosing the right tool, pay attention to whether it allows you to enter and modify your own keywords and whether the analysis is carried out in real time.

If you have questions about our tool, we’re here to help 🙂