Request for quotation no. 1/2020
SentiOne Sp. z o. o. with headquarters at ul. Lęborska 3B in Gdańsk (80-386), Poland, intends to publish a public tender process (RFP) for the services as part of the project entitled „SentiDeepFusion: deep learning approach to automation of multilingual information extraction from colloquial texts for conversational interfaces and customer experience analytics” co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Intelligent Development Operational Program for 2014-2020. In order to estimate the value of the contract and prepare for the public request for proposals, we kindly ask you for the following information on the initial price calculation regarding:
Providing ASR software for real-time speech to text conversion within closed on-premise infrastructure in English, Spanish and German languages
(CPV codes: 48314000-2, 48512000-0)
Detailed Requirements:
- Software must be able to work on closed network, without access to the Internet, within on-premise infrastructure.
- Software must work on Linux operating system
- Supplier must provide hardware and software requirements
- Supplier must provide information on supported language versions
- Software must support custom dictionaries that can be modified without assistance from the Supplier
- Price must include support within business hours
- Software must provide real-time transcriptions for voicebot purposes over standard landline telephone quality
- Prices must include total cost of ownership with 10 man-days per annum for model adjustments and other tweaks
Estimated costs of the contract should be submitted by filled form available as attachment no 1.
Please send preliminary cost calculations for the order until May 29th, 2020 to the following email address:
Questions about the order should be sent to the email address:
Additional information
This RFQ is intended to estimate the value of the order. RFP will be announced in Q4 2020 or Q1 2021.
The presented inquiry does not constitute an offer pursuant to art. 66 of the Polish Civil Code, as well as is not a public tender within the meaning of the Guidelines on the eligibility of expenditure under the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for 2014-2020″ and is used only to estimate the value of the contract.
The project is planned to be co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Intelligent Development Operational Program for 2014-2020.
Project „SentiDeepFusion: deep learning approach to automation of multilingual information extraction from colloquial texts for conversational interfaces and customer experience analytics”.